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Petar Dundov

Joins Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich & Paavo Järvi for tonhalleLATE on March 24, 2023

  • 16 March 2023
Petar Dundov

Petar Dundov joins Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich & Paavo Järvi for tonhalleLATE on March 24, 2023

tonhalleLATE is the ever-popular and usually sold-out concert and party series of the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich. In the first part of the evening, the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich will perform "An Alpine Symphony" by Richard Strauss under the baton of our Music Director Paavo Järvi.

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An Alpine tour in the evening? No problem, that's exactly what Strauss' "Alpine Symphony" is for. Strauss himself was a passionate mountaineer, and he composed everything here that he experienced in nature: the sunrise and a waterfall, the happiness on the summit, and the thunderstorm on the descent. The only thing missing is relaxation after the exertions. The musicians of the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich and the Croatian techno-producer Petar Dundov are responsible for this in the second part of the evening - with the legendary fusion of classical and electronic music.

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